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WI Annual Roadside Cleanup

PEI Women's Institute

Scheduled for May 10 

IWMC and PEIWI are hoping posters will not be posted until May 1.  Early posting can cause early collections which can re-litter highways.  Thank you!    Details on this year's cleanup are below! Yellow bags will be available starting the first week of May. Clear plastic bags from home can also be used. WI bags are available in early May from the following locations: 

  • ACCESS PEI sites 

  • PEI Public Library Service

  • IWMC Facilities: Brockton, New London, Murray River, Dingwells Mills, Wellington (The East Prince Waste Management Facility), and IWMC offices in Charlottetown (110 Watts Avenue) and Tignish (100 School St).

  • ANNE of Green Gable Stores

Cleanup Contest and Win! Send a photo of “your team in action” to enter a random draw for Canada Food Island Gift Cards.   Send photos of your team to: Pickup—The Department of Transportation, Infrastructure, and Energy will pick up the WI waste bags during the days following May 12th. Thank you for your support!


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